Common questions people asking

Max Building Services is registered as a limited company?

Max Building Services Ltd Company No: 6403002 VAT No: 921845031

Max Building Services is member of any trade associations?

We are also a member of the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme, CHAS and ConstructionOnline.

Max building services have a registered gas engineer and an electrician in their team?

We use qualified and registered gas engineer and electricians.

Max building have a site manager who can manage the work?

Yeas we have dedicated contract manager, site manager, site supervisor and contract  administrator. The site manager will be overseeing your building works, so they should have an overall understanding of how construction management works, and be able to run everything smoothly, effectively, on budget and on time.

Max building have any technical and support staff?

Reality is, these people will usually work in administrative capacities in the Max Building  office, so you might not see them face-to-face every day, but knowing who to contact for paperwork, queries and invoicing is crucial.

Max building offer a guarantee of work?


How long has the Max Buyilding Services been in business for, and what relevant experience do they have?

Trading for 20 years, working on private sector and high experiences working with local authority’s council properties.

Did the directors of the company ever dissolve the company before?


Does Max Building Services have the necessary insurances?

Yes, we have.

Public liability insurance: it means that if someone is hurt or something is damaged during constructions, the insurance company will pay you for the inconvenience.

Employers’ liability insurance: it is a requirement when companies (not just builders) start to employ people. It means that if an employee is injured or taken ill because of their job they will get compensation from the insurance company

Contractors’ all-risk insurance:  this is the most important insurance as it protects your property and any third parties.

We all know that insurance is always important. We hope that nothing goes wrong, but it’s there just in case something does happen. If an expensive mistake is made, you can make a claim against the builder and their insurance will pay you.

A word of caution: Building sites can be dangerous places, so getting clear policies is a good way to protect everyone and make sure that nobody is put at risk.

Does Max Building have an up-to-date health and safety policy and RAMS?

Yes, they updated regularly and site specific.

Can you get a written quote, including a fixed price and a summary of all the work that will be done, the materials the builders will use and VAT?


Does Max Building Services Ltd have a permanent base or offices?

Yes, and our clients are welcome to come to see us at our office.

Do you use subcontractors?

Yes. For gas and electric.

How many properties, full refurbishment, kitchens or bathroom we have complete refurbished?

As at this point over 1400 general building work, over 459 disabled adaptation completed and over 2000 kitchen and bathroom refurbishment projects completed.

Contact us

Call us today or visit our appointment request page
to find a time that is convenient for you.

Before you drop us a line or pick up the phone, you might
find your answer by searching on our list of questions.

88 Dockyard Centre, 88 Antelope Rd, SE18 5QG
07983392877 / 02088559997

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Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.